Let's build together a just society and a dignified life for LGBT + people.

Saplinq, o.z. is dedicated to the development of the LGBT + community and supporting queer people not only in eastern Slovakia. 

We have four main areas of activities:

1. International trainings for LGBT+ youth and LGBT+ youth workers, funded by the Erasmus+:Youth in Action programme and organising trainings in general 

2. Košice PRIDE as a public, visible event focused on community-building in the second biggest Slovak city, in east Slovakia

3. PRIZMA - a counselling and community centre in Košice providing respectful and free social, psychological, legal and communtiy counselling.

4. Advocating for LGBT + people's rights, we are building a society where queer people can live a dignified life through fair politics and awareness.

What will your support mean?

Your support will help us sustain our activities and flexibly respond to crises. Many grants require co-funding or are not flexible enough for small emergencies. Moreover, your support will be primarily focused on sustaining our advocacy capacities.

Why donate regularly? 

Thanks to regular donations, we can better plan our work, we will not be forced to limit our activities and it shows us that this work makes a lot of sense.

Join us ✊

Only in this way will we build a respectful society and Slovakia will become a better place for the life of each and every one of us.

Thank you for your support 💙